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Floating plant pack, 4 native species

Fringed water lily ( nymphoides peltata) 🌼


Nymphoides peltata, commonly known as yellow floating heart or fringed water lilly is an aquatic plant noted for its distinctive yellow flowers and small size in comparison to other lilly species, it has heart-shaped floating leaves that are typically 3-10 cm wide. The leaves have slightly scalloped edges and are green on top and purple underneath. The plant produces bright yellow, five-petaled flowers that are fringed and bloom above the water surface


Native to Europe and Asia, Prefers still or slow-moving freshwater bodies such as ponds, lakes, ditches, and slow rivers. It thrives in nutrient-rich waters.

Growth Habit:

It spreads via stolons, creating mats on the water surface.

Amphibious bistort ( persicaria amphibia ) 🌺

Amphibious bistort (Persicaria amphibia), also known as water knotweed or swamp smartweed, is an adaptable aquatic and terrestrial plant that has two growth forms: a submerged form with long, flexible stems and floating leaves, and a terrestrial form with erect stems and lance-shaped leaves, It produces dense spikes of small pink to white flowers, typically blooming from June to September and are highly attractive to insects.

Grassy leaved pond weed (Potamogeton gramineus ) 🌿

Potamogeton gramineus, commonly known as grassy pondweed or variable-leaved pondweed, is an aquatic plant found in freshwater environments,

Widely distributed across North America, Europe, and parts of Asia, it Prefers clean, still or slow-moving freshwater bodies such as lakes, ponds, and slow-flowing rivers. It can grow in a variety of water depths but thrives in shallow to moderately deep water, Grassy pondweed has narrow, grass-like submerged leaves and broader, floating leaves. The submerged leaves are typically 2-5 cm long and 2-6 mm wide, while the floating leaves are oval to Elliptical, it produces small, inconspicuous flowers on spikes that emerge above the water surface, usually blooming from late spring to early fall.

Frogbit ( Hydrocharis Morsus Ranae ) 💮

Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, commonly known as the European frogbit, is an aquatic plant species native to Europe and parts of Asia, including the uk

Growth Habit:

It spreads across water surfaces via stolons (horizontal stems) and forms dense mats, this is a true floating plant and doesn't root to the bottom like water Lillie's.

Preferred Environment:

European frogbit thrives in slow-moving or still water bodies such as ponds, marshes, ditches, and the edges of lakes and rivers. It prefers nutrient-rich, shallow waters.

Frogbit propagates via stolons ( horizontal stems that grow at or just below the water's surface.)

Overwinters by producing Turions, turions are specialized, bud-like structures similar in function to seeds produced by Hydrocharis morsus-ranae for survival and propagation. They form in late summer and fall, detach from the parent plant, and sink to the bottom of water bodies to overwinter.

Planting for all species ( except frogbit ) :

Container /pot Planting:

Fill a container with aquatic soil, plant the rhizomes or roots, and submerge the container to the desired depth ( between 20 - 80 cm )

.Direct Planting: Dig a small hole in the substrate, place the roots, and cover lightly with soil or gravel.

Frogbit is free floating and doesn't need planting.

UK native floating pack - 4 species

  • Each plant will be a single or double stem with roots ,leaves and sometimes flowers, The plants are posted bare root and do not come with a pot or soil ,condition is dependent on time of year ,plants purchased in colder months may be bare stems.

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