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This pond pack includes:

5 tadpole snails ( physia acuta )

5 wandering pond snails ( radix balthica )

5 flat ramshorn snails ( planorbis planorbis )

5 faucet snails ( bithyinia tenticulata )

5 pea mussels ( sphaerium corneum )

5 water louse ( ascellus aquaticus )

1 bunch ( 5 stems ) fan leaved water crowfoot ( ranunculus circinatus)

2 water mint ( mentha aquatica )


Each species has its own benefits in adding them to your pond ,all the snails eat algae ,detritus, fish waste, dead plants and dead fish ,some like the great pond snail also eat hydra , , faucet snails ,trapdoor snails and pea mussels , filter organic particles from the water including algae and bactiria and can help control green or murky water ,water louse ( ascellus aquaticus ) are excellent detritus feeders helping to break down waste and dead leaves at the bottom of the pond ,they can also be kept in the sponges of the filter eating sludge and keeping the sponges clean ,they are also a great natural food source for fish newts and other aquatic insects , water crows foot is an excellent oxygenating plant and has small white buttercup like flowers ,water mint can grow below and above the surface of the water and is a very versatile plant it has purple flowers that are highly attractive to bees.

Wildlife Pond starter pack - 8 different species

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  • This mix of snails is an excellent way to establish a breeding population in your ecosystem. All are easy to breed and don't need any special care to do so. Great pond snails, wandering snails and flat ramshorn are hermaphrodites and will readily breed and lay eggs in your pond creating a self sustaining population quite quickly. Others like the trapdoor snail give birth to live young and are slower breeders. The faucet snail is strange amoung trapdoor snails (snails with a operculum) in that it lays small clusters of eggs as opposed to live birth and is a moderate breeder and can set up a population fairly quickly ,pea mussels will also breed in your pond without any special care and unlike larger mussels they dont go a through a parasitic stage ( glochidia ) ,they give birth to live young which are exact miniatures of the adults ,water louse are fast breeders and will quickly set a population up in your pond ,for more info on each species see there individual product page.

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