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Spannish/ iberian ribbed newt eggs mostly wild type but may be some albinos mixed in.


the spannish ribbed newt is a cold tolerant species and can survive outdoors in the uk though as there not native always ensure they cant escape into the wild ,The spannish ribbed newt sometimes called the iberian ribbed newt or sharp ribbed newt is native to Spain, morrocco and a few of other parts of western Europe they are Europe's largest newt species reaching a max size of 30 cm ! They get there name due to there ability to protrude the sharp tips of there ribs through there body as a defence against predators the ribs are also coated in a mild toxin ,they have a similar lifestyle to axolotls spending there entire life in water there behaviour and care requirements are also similar to axolotls although they do tend to be less aggressive and can successfully be kept with some fish species including fast moving non aggressive species like minnows they can also be kept with axolotls provided they are of similar size ,these large newts have a large Appetite and can be fed earthworms, prawns, dead fish ,krill and any other live or frozen foods and will also sometimes accept pelleted food ,they are an interesting species and make great pets and can even learn to be hand fed.

Spanish sharp ribbed newt eggs ( pleurodeles waltl)

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  • Pleurodeles waltl is very easy to breed and just doing a water change can be enough to stimulate a breeding response, but for best results giving them a few months cooler period before slowly raising the water temperature will encourage them to lay more eggs 🥚 each female can lay between 50 to 1000 eggs in a season.

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