Spanish sharp ribbed newts CB 2022
Unsexed Young adult newts between 10 and 16cm still have lots of growing to do.
the spanish sharp ribbed newt is a cold tolerant species and can be kept in an outdoor enclosure or greenhouse year round in the uk but as there not native never release into a garden pond or allow them to escape from there enclosure ,The spanish ribbed newt sometimes called the iberian ribbed newt or sharp ribbed newt is native to Spain, morocco and a few of other parts of western Europe they are Europe's largest newt species reaching a max size of 30 cm ! They get there name due to there ability to protrude the sharp tips of there ribs through there body as a defence against predators the ribs are also coated in a mild toxin ,there lifestyle and care requirements are similar to axolotls spending there entire life in water , they tend to be less aggressive than axolotls ,they are an interesting species and make great pets and can even learn to be hand fed.
Spanish sharp ribbed newts spend there entire life in water from egg to adult and don't have a terrestrial phase like many other newts ,due to there large size they will require a decent size aquarium once adults ,they rarely leave the water and don't need a platform to climb out but some floating plants will benefit them as they like to float near the surface especially when sleeping ,for substrate fine sand is best ,gravel can be accidentally swallowed causing choking or internal problems.
6.5 to 7.5
This species has a wide temperature range from 5°C - 28°C but prefers temperatures of 15°C to 26°C .
These large newts have a large appetite and will eat a wide range of foods from
Dead fish
Wax worm
White worm
And most live or frozen food like
Black mosquito larvae
Pleurodeles waltl is easy to breed in captivity and just doing a water change can be enough to stimulate a breeding response, but for best results giving them a few months cooler period ( under 20 °C ) then slowly raising the water temperature to around 25°C will encourage them to lay more eggs 🥚 each female can lay between 50 to 1000 eggs in a season ,laying there eggs on plants and other aquarium decor .
This species doesn't require uvb lighting
Spanish ribbed newts can be kept with axolotls provided there of similar size and in a large enough tank for them to have there own space ,the Chinese paddle tail newt (Pachytriton labiatus) would also be suitable at similar sizes and in a large tank ,any smaller species like fire belly newts ,alpines or most other aquatic newts are too small and would eventually become prey , Spanish ribbed newts are less aggressive and a bit slower than axolotls and can successfully be kept with many fish species (don't keep fish and axolotls together ) small to medium fast moving species like minnows, shiners, small roach or rudd aswell as live bearers like guppies and platys are good choices ,bottom dwelling species like catfish or loaches aren't suitable , they are in direct competition with the newts and also at high risk of falling prey to them ,have heard of large African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) being kept with Spanish ribbed newts however can't find any information relating to this.
There are many different methods of keeping amphibians in captivity and different keepers and breeders have there own methods ,our advice is based on our own experience and what we've had the most success with in our own animals.
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