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Terrestrial juvenile fire salamanders

These young salamanders born this year and have just lost there gills and became terrestrial, fire salamanders are a common species across Europe being a European species they are cold tolerant and can survive outdoors in the uk year round but as there not native always ensure they are secured and cant escape into the wild they would have a very negative effect on native species ,these large salamanders can reach a max length of around 25 - 30 cm ,they will feed on a wide range of prey from most invertebrates ,like insects ,centipedes, slugs ,snails ,worms aswell as smaller amphibians like newts and froglets ,this species is fully terrestrial and spends almost there entire life on land in forests and other damp sheltered environments ,these large impressive salamanders are easy to care for and require similar care to most newts in there terrestrial phase and make interesting pets.


Fire salamanders are easy to care for in captivity

,A terrarium set up is best , they spend very little time in water and are fully terrestrial so a smaller water tub is suitable for them they also like very high humidity ,a natural set up is best with a substrate of soil or coconut coir , lots of plants and moss ,some rocks or wood is also beneficial , we keep our amphibians in bioactive setups with lots of worms ,springtails ,woodlice and other insects living the soil ,these as well as helping keep the enclosures clean also provide a natural food source for the salamanders


Fire salamanders will eat a wide range of foods

most standard insects foods are suitable







Earth worm

Calci worm

White worm

Isopods ( woodlice )


And flies

As with all amphibians and reptiles in captivity fire salamanders require a calcium supplement in there diet ( dusted over there food ) to avoid getting metabolic bone disease ( MBD ) ,a supplement with both calcium and additional nutrients is best ,we use arkvits but there's many different suitable brands ,foods like calci worm and isopods are also an excellent source of calcium for the salmanders.


UVB lighting isn't needed for this species as there completely nocturnal.


13°C to 22 °C


3 °C to 6 °C

Fire salamanders only need hibernated if your hoping to breed them.


90 to 100%


Fire salamanders aren't suitable to keep with other species due to there large size , predatory nature and there powerful skin secretions which can be harmful to other animals.

There are many different methods of keeping amphibians in captivity and different keepers and breeders have there own methods ,our advice is based on our own experience and what we've had the most success with in our own animals.

Fire salamanders ( salamandra salamandra ) cb 2023

  • Fire salamanders breed in late winter to early spring ,the male produces a spermatophore from the gland at the base of his tale which carries a sperm packet ,The courtship happens on land. After the male becomes aware of a potential mate, he confronts her and blocks her path. The male rubs her with his chin to express his interest in mating, then crawls beneath her and grasps her front limbs ,the eggs are fertilized internally and the female gives birth to live young which she has in the water.

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