common toad spawn ( bufo bufo )cb 2025
Will always add a couple of extra eggs in.
Common toad eggs are laid in long strands as opposed to frog spawn which comes as clumps ,the tadpoles are also smaller and much darker in colour to frog tadpoles ,they are more commonly seen slowly swimming in the open due to them being mildly toxic and distasteful to predators whereas frog tadpoles are fast swimming and more secretive preferring to hide near the bottom.
Common toad spawn ( bufo bufo) cb 2025
Section 9(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
This section prohibits sale, barter, exchange, advertising for sale.
This only applies to 'wild animals'; these are defined as those that are living wild or were living wild before being captured or killed. It does not apply to captive bred animals being held in captivity. However, animals in gardens (e.g. newts in garden ponds) and captive bred animals that have been released to the wild are likely to be included in this definition.