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common bladderwort is a native aquatic plant ,it is rootless and floats near the surface ,interestingly it is a carnivorous plant like venus flytraps and pitcher plants and is actually one of the fastest moving plants in the world it feeds on small aquatic invertebrates like daphnia and midge larvae using small bladder shaped traps from were it gets its name ,as the traps are small its no threat to anything larger than daphnia so can be kept in a wildlife pond and is also very usefull at controlling unwanted insect larvae in fountains or small patio ponds ,it is very similar in appearence to hornwort excpet for the small traps traps on the leaves ,the plant also produces a yellow snap dragon like flower that rises above the surface on a tall stalk ,flowering takes place from april to late august ,in winter the plant dies back and forms turions that sink to the bottom and will regrow the following year , this unusual plant makes an intersting addition to a pond or aquarium.

common bladderwort (utricularia vulgaris )

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  • The plants you will receive will be single ,double or triple stems.

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