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Shark fin mussel (hyriopsis bialatus)

The sharkfin mussel is a large mussel reaching 6 inches in length, native to freshwater rivers and streams of southeast asia its similar to the swan mussel in habitat and ecology ,burying into soft sediment and filtering algae ,bacteria and small particles from the water colum they can also be artificially fed with a with concentrated algae / zooplankton ,finely crushed fish fellets or liquifry with the use of a long pipette ,this species is also used in aqua culture to produce freshwater pearls ,being native to southeast asia its unlikely this species would survive a uk winter and therefore better suited to indoor aquaria than outdoor ponds.

Shark fin mussel ( hyriopsis bialatus )

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  • Like all unionidae mussels ( duck ,swan painters mussels ) The larvae of the Shark fin mussel (glochidia) go through a parasitic stage for their first few months attaching to fish where ,fortunately this dosent harm the fish and they soon drop off and develop into mussels.

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