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Water crowfoot (*Ranunculus aquatilis*) is a beautiful and beneficial UK native pond plant, well-suited for enhancing garden ponds and natural water bodies. It produces delicate, white, buttercup-like flowers that float gracefully on the water's surface, adding a charming, natural aesthetic even in winter as the plant is evergreen.

Beyond its visual appeal, water crowfoot plays a crucial ecological role. It provides essential cover and oxygen for aquatic wildlife, helping to create a healthy pond ecosystem. Its finely divided submerged leaves also assist in maintaining water clarity by trapping sediments and reducing algae growth.

As a native species, water crowfoot is well-adapted to the UK climate and can thrive in a variety of freshwater habitats, making it a sustainable and environmentally friendly choice for pond planting.

Common water crow foot ( ranunculus aquatilis )

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  • Each bunch will contain 5 stems ,during colder months plants may be fragmented.

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